Your environment configurations are probably a mess

Posted by & filed under aws, CI, Deployments, DevOps, Docker, Web development.

If you’re anything like me, you’ve found that configuring your application using environment variables works really well because it forces you to build an environment-agnostic system that can be deployed to anywhere by adjusting a set of variables that are read by your application at run-time.   This strategy is in-line with 12-factor apps and also… Read more »

Developing and Deploying with GitHub and CircleCI

Posted by & filed under CI, Deployments, Docker, Web development.

CircleCI has quickly become one of the dominating continuous integration platforms available today, boasting support for Docker, Android, and now iOS through the use of OS X virtual machines. GitHub has been the de facto standard for hosting Git repositories for some time now. While worthy competitors do exist, GitHub‘s ability to innovate around a piece of freely available version control software… Read more »