In light of the surge of DevOps consulting requests over the past several months, it’s my pleasure to introduce a new consulting service: FortyFeet will offer short (1-hour) phone calls with DevOps experts to help solve pressing issues, systems design considerations, and general development and operations advice, scheduled in such a way that gives more… Read more »
Posts Tagged: devops
Running Hubot on AWS Elastic Beanstalk
When you read about Hubot you read about Heroku. Heroku seems to be the defacto hosting environment for Hubot, so much that even Hubot‘s own documentation makes reference to hosting it on Heroku — mainly because it can be setup in a snap and is free as long as you keep your usage levels on the low side.
A Better Dockerized MySQL
MySQL still plays a large part in many software stacks and while many IaaS vendors have their own hosted versions (i.e. Amazon RDS), it’s still fairly common to run MySQL in a Docker container, especially in development environments. One common problem that’s encountered with MySQL is initializing it before its use and having your application connect only after initialization is complete…. Read more »
Taming RabbitMQ
Let me start this off by saying RabbitMQ is a great piece of software. It excels in areas where other messaging stacks are either too cumbersome or overly complicated. Plus, it’s written in wacky Erlang. With all of its merits, however, a common hurdle is trying understand its RabbitMQ’s exchange, queue, and routing key terminology…. Read more »