Easier WordPress Plugin Development using Docker

Posted by & filed under PHP, Web development.

WordPress is used to make about 43.7 million posts each month1. With an extensive library of over 33,500 plugins, WordPress has a significant market share of both the content generation and development communities. Creating plugins for WordPress is not overly difficult, but the actual development and testing process can be a hassle. Let’s see how Docker can help us out.

Painless Jekyll on OS X

Posted by & filed under DevOps, Docker, Web development.

Jekyll is a static site generator written in Ruby and designed to be a simple way to create a blog-like website. It’s what GitHub uses for Pages, which means you can also host your Jekyll-powered blog there for free. Static HTML pages load fast, there’s no database or programming involved (unless you add your own Javascript or… Read more »

Multiple Boot2docker Profiles On Mac OS X

Posted by & filed under DevOps, Docker.

Boot2docker is a lightweight linux virtual machine for running Docker on OS X and Windows, providing non-Linux users with easy access to the world of Linux containers. The lightweight VM comes in the form of a downloadable ISO which is then used to create the virtual machine. This means you can have more than one boot2docker… Read more »

Golapa v2: Dockerized Launch Page Written in Go

Posted by & filed under aws, Deployments, DevOps, Docker, Go, Web development.

The latest version of Golapa comes with some significant changes, namely extending support beyond Google App Engine. While we are still supporting GAE builds using the same codebase, by dockerizing Golapa we’re making it a lot easier to develop locally and deploy almost anywhere Docker is supported. Launch pages are supposed to be simple, right?… Read more »

A Faster Turret.IO with Docker

Posted by & filed under Docker, Python, Web development.

Connecting your web application’s server-side logic with a 3rd party service usually introduces some type of a performance penalty. Preventing such issues requires the creation of task queues, worker processes, or other methods that allow slower processes to do their work while maintaining a responsive interface for the user. Turret.IO supports an API for sending user… Read more »