The Missing PHP AES Encryption Example

Posted by & filed under Crypto, PHP.

PHP has a lot of available documentation. So much that Googling just about any PHP function provides a result on the first page and a good majority of the content is accurate. And when it’s not, the public comments usually fill in the holes. The OpenSSL cryptography extension is one part of that is very lacking, so much… Read more »

HMAC in Go, Python, Ruby, PHP, and NodeJS

Posted by & filed under Crypto, Go, NodeJS, PHP, Python, Ruby, Web development.

When communicating messages between multiple systems, it’s always a good idea to authenticate a message before taking action on it. This ensures the message hasn’t been tampered with and that it came from a known source. There are several ways of implementing this type of message authentication, but here we’re going to assume we have… Read more »