RaspberryPi-powered Bluetooth Gate Opener

Posted by & filed under Android, Python, RaspberryPi.

Disclaimer: This will most likely void your Mighty Mule warranty! Read this write-up below in its entirety before proceeding. We are not liable for any harm you cause to yourself or property damaged as a result of attempting this. Electricity is extremely dangerous and can cause serious injury and death. Use the information below at your… Read more »

HMAC in Go, Python, Ruby, PHP, and NodeJS

Posted by & filed under Crypto, Go, NodeJS, PHP, Python, Ruby, Web development.

When communicating messages between multiple systems, it’s always a good idea to authenticate a message before taking action on it. This ensures the message hasn’t been tampered with and that it came from a known source. There are several ways of implementing this type of message authentication, but here we’re going to assume we have… Read more »

Taming RabbitMQ

Posted by & filed under DevOps, Python, Web development.

Let me start this off by saying RabbitMQ is a great piece of software. It excels in areas where other messaging stacks are either too cumbersome or overly complicated. Plus, it’s written in wacky Erlang. With all of its merits, however, a common hurdle is trying understand its RabbitMQ’s exchange, queue, and routing key terminology…. Read more »

A Faster Turret.IO with Docker

Posted by & filed under Docker, Python, Web development.

Connecting your web application’s server-side logic with a 3rd party service usually introduces some type of a performance penalty. Preventing such issues requires the creation of task queues, worker processes, or other methods that allow slower processes to do their work while maintaining a responsive interface for the user. Turret.IO supports an API for sending user… Read more »

Cut your Python development time in half

Posted by & filed under Python, Web development.

It’s no secret that we’re Python advocates and believe its cutthroat indentation rules are part of what makes it a great language. We use it to serve our web interface and API and the majority if our maintenance scripts are Python as well. Beginners will find it simple to read and understand. Most commands work… Read more »